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The global cable car and Alpine technology industry presents its world firsts in Innsbruc

Lagt til av: Espen Børresen | publisert: 06.05.2019

INTERALPIN, the leading International Trade Fair for Alpine Technologies, will be the main showcase for new products and innovations at Messe Innsbruck from May 8-10, 2019. In addition to a broad range of new products, the INTERALPIN INSPIRATION DAYS will take place for the first time. The Austrian Ropeway Conference and the conference of the International Organization for Transportation by Rope (O.I.T.A.F.) will take place alongside the trade fair. Congress Messe Innsbruck, which organizes INTERALPIN, expects trade visitors from over 85 nations. Complementing the trade fair, the strong Austrian cable car market provides the numerous business delegates with an ideal environment for excursions to production sites and ski resorts.

Innsbruck - The city in the Alps boasts over 50 million first-time entrants each year, nearly 600 million people transported, and almost eight billion euros in gross turnover from cable-car users. With such glowing statistics, Franz Hörl, Member of Austrian Parliament and President of the Professional Association of Austrian Cable Cars (Fachverband der Seilbahnen Österreichs, WKO), is more than satisfied with the current statistics for the Austrian cable car industry: "Our entrepreneurs continue to demonstrate their mastery of sustainable management by offering leading global products.” Since the year 2000, around 10 billion euros have been invested in the quality, safety, comfort and sustainability of the ski resorts by Austria’s cable car companies. "The investments secure the attractiveness of the domestic ski resorts, thus strengthening the prospects for rural areas, creating stable foundations for generations to come, and enabling a resource-conserving approach to the environment. As a member of the ropeway industry, I am therefore particularly pleased that INTERALPIN has become the leading international meeting place for the cable car industry. The trade fair offers us the ideal, authentic networking platform here in Innsbruck," emphasizes Hörl.

From snowmaking to urban transport
What started life as a small product presentation as part of a ski slope congress in Igls just outside Innsbruck in 1974 has evolved over the decades into the industry’s leading and most popular international trade fair. INTERALPIN showcases Alpine technologies such as cable cars and affiliated technologies, snowmaking, winter road clearing machinery, cash-register and access systems, IT solutions, security methods and much more. "As a unique industry meeting place, INTERALPIN allows exhibitors of the highest quality, from key industry players to smart start-up companies, to mingle with international decision makers at cable car companies," explains Director Christian Mayerhofer, CEO of Congress Messe Innsbruck (CMI), the trade fair’s organizer. In addition to products and services for winter, a range of offers for summer use in Alpine terrain has established itself as a strong second branch of INTERALPIN. According to Mayerhofer, cable car solutions are increasingly being used in urban centers: “With more than 26,000 trade visitors from more than 85 nations, the last edition of INTERALPIN in 2017 once again exceeded its previous benchmark and confirmed its position as the clear number one amongst all Alpine technology trade fairs."

Leading-edge offers for delegations from around the world "
The local presence of industry leaders has further promoted the strength of INTERALPIN," adds Project Manager Stefan Kleinlercher. To date, key players such as Doppelmayr, Leitner ropeways, Sunkid, Technoalpin and the MND Group have already set up branches and sales offices in or around Innsbruck. “Because there are local branches close to the exhibition center grounds, a visit to the trade fair often leads to excursions to visit production sites or ski resorts," says Kleinlercher. It comes as no surprise that numerous economic delegations from every corner of the world have already announced their attendance at INTERALPIN 2019. This includes future markets such as China, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, in addition to established markets such as Japan, France and Switzerland. After all, when deciding where to go on vacation, some of the most important criteria are the quality of the cable cars and slopes, the reliability of snow, and the summer offers on the mountain: “For decision-makers in the cable car industry, attending INTERALPIN is of paramount importance: the range of products and services offered by the exhibiting companies is groundbreaking," emphasizes Kleinlercher.

INSPIRATION DAYS, Ropeway Conference, and the ÖSV Gala
At the upcoming INTERALPIN, Congress Messe Innsbruck organizers expect approx. 650 exhibitors from over 50 countries from May 8-10, 2019 in Innsbruck. The INTERALPIN INSPIRATION DAYS will take place for the very first time. “With keynote speeches and expert lectures on current issues of positioning, marketing or digitization, this new format perfectly complements the trade fair’s key topics. “With its first-class program of events, INTERALPIN is sure to appeal to all-new visitor target groups,” reports Kleinlercher. Just how closely INTERALPIN is networked with the global winter technology sector will be readily apparent at the International Organization for Transportation by Rope O.I.T.A.F. Conference, which will be held parallel to the trade fair at the Congress Innsbruck on May 9th. “As a special highlight, we will be celebrating the 60th anniversary of O.I.T.A.F. at the INTERALPIN Gala Evening,” explains Kleinlercher.
“During the proceedings, the winter-sports Snow Crystal will also be awarded by the Austrian Ski Association (ÖSV) for outstanding lifetime achievements." The INTERALPIN’s status as the industry's central platform is further underscored by the renowned Austrian Ropeway Conference, which will take place in combination with the opening of INTERALPIN on May 8, 2019. All information about INTERALPIN, the leading International Trade Fair for Alpine Technologies, is available online at

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