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Kässbohrer Geländefahrzeug AG - Interalpin 2019

Lagt til av: Espen Børresen | publisert: 07.05.2019

As always, anyone visiting Kässbohrer Geländefahrzeug AG this year at Interalpin can look forward to some real highlights. With PistenBully and Co., we will once again be presenting many new products from our comprehensive range of vehicles and services in Innsbruck. You can look forward to a world first here! The PRO ACADEMY has also seen a lot of change - it is being realigned and goal-oriented, however the new SNOWsat is revolutionary.

The SNOWsat world of experience
It all started with snow depth measurement as well as slope and fleet management. Meanwhile, SNOWsat includes a multitude of practical solutions that have opened completely new possibilities for the coordination, management, and handling of slopes and vehicles for managers of ski resorts and their operators - and that was just the beginning. Visitors to the trade fair can look forward to top-class highlights in this product area, because at INTERALPIN 2019, they will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the exciting world of SNOWsat with all their senses. A revolutionary new, all-embracing SNOWsat will be presented: The "Solutions for Digital Ski Worlds". This will offer completely new possibilities. Now numerous processes in the ski resort can be perfectly, digitally controlled - from the procurement of spare parts, to the management, networking and evaluation of all data - and of course the quality of the slopes.

SNOWsat is much more than snow depth measurement
In concrete terms, this means that SNOWsat now digitizes the construction of entire parks, for the processes involved in slope preparation, for example, far beyond snow depth measurement, slope management, fleet management, and facilitates task management on the slope and in the workshop.

These and all other applications are very easy to operate with just a few clicks. It couldn't be simpler. The focus is always on the advantages for the customer - and the positive experience for the skier.


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